Traditional osteopathy in Barcelona

Osteopathy for children in Barcelona

What is infant colic?

Your baby will twistscries incessantly, cries incessantly, cries incessantly, cries incessantly, cries incessantly, cries it's hard to calm downespecially in the evening, at sunset. The osteopathy can be of great help with infant colic.

Marina y Nicolas will be pleased to welcome them to help them and to calming your baby. Thanks to gentle and painless techniqueswe can release accumulated tensions in your baby's body. Most of the time, we call "colicThe "crying for no apparent reason" that occurs more often in children than in adults. first months of life. Fortunately, this often passes with time.

These cries are often very difficult to handle for young parents, who feel powerless and distressed. It is common for them to feel guilty and wonder what they have done wrong.

But don't worry, it's completely normal to worry, especially if you don't understand what's going on, and even more so with a non-verbal baby where everything is subject to interpretationand everyone gives their own interpretation, the aunt, the friends, etc.

Mother and baby in breastfeeding session with focus on colic prevention

How can we help?

With our experience of more than 15 years, we are sure that babies who cry for no reason, what we call colic, have a cause; often it is a physiological mechanism of the baby to discharge itself and free its nervous system from excess.

We can clearly act on this during our treatments and we also help parents who wish to do so to change their attitude to these crises and accompany your baby much better when you are alone with him.

By understanding what is happening, we can act differently, not feel powerless and guilty, and bring serenity.

A crying baby is completely normalthe important thing is understand what he is trying to say. We are also here to help you better understand what these cries mean, thanks to our gentle and subtle touch, the body tells us what your child is experiencing.

Relaxed drinking

Behaviours associated with colic

Infant colic represents one of the most common common challenges and at the same time more disconcerting for the new parents.

It is characterised by:

  • Intense and prolonged crying which usually occur at the same time every dayusually in the morning hours afternoon or evening.
  • A baby showing signs of gas, such as abdominal swelling o expulsion of gasesalthough these are not consistent in all cases.


Although crying is a normal form of communication for infants, the crying associated with colic is different. It is a crying that seems to arise out of urgency or desperation.

In addition to physical symptoms, colicky babies may exhibit behaviours such as:

  • Temporarily consolidate with the feeding or cooing, but to return to crying soon after.
  • Rejection of certain positions or when lying down.


It is important to note that although crying is the main indication of colic, not all babies will cry in the same way and some may have less obvious symptoms.

In order to further identify symptoms, the Spanish Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Paediatric Nutrition offers valuable resources.

mother and child

Factors that may contribute to colic

Factors thought to contribute to infant colic include:

Sensitivity and sensory overload

The baby may be overwhelmed by stimuli and not be able to calm its own sensations.

Development of the digestive system

Babies' digestive systems are developing and may be sensitive to certain foods or the milk they consume.

of the baby

Some babies are more sensitive and prone to crying than others, depending on the baby's temperament.

What can I do to help with colic?

When to seek professional help?

Although colic is common and generally are not seriousIf you are a health professional, it is advisable to seek the opinion of a health professional:

  • Crying is inconsolable and hard more than usual.
  • The following are observed changes in the pattern of food or sleep habits.
  • There is presence of fever, vomiting o diarrhoea.
  • The baby shows signs of lethargy or disinterest for its environment.

Identifying and understanding symptoms is the first step in bringing relief to infants and children. peace of mind to their families is very important. It is essential to maintain a constant communication with the paediatrician and follow its recommendations.

Parents can also find support in communities online and support groupswhere sharing experiences and advice can be of great help. A website such as Raising with Common Sense provides a platform for parents to discuss their concerns and learn from parenting and child health experts.

Infant colic remedies

Methods and treatments for infant colic

Osteopathy and physiotherapy:

The paediatric osteopathy and physiotherapy are non-invasive treatments that seek to alleviate the physical stresses on the baby's body and improve their general well-being. These methods may include:
  • Massages soft and specific movements to relieve gas and tension.
  • Exercises on stretching to relax the baby's muscles.

Feeding techniques and dietary changes:

Dietary changes can be effective, such as:
  • Try different breastfeeding positions to make sure baby is latching on well and swallowing less air.
  • If the baby is on formula, consider trying a formula designed for babies sensitive.
osteopathy in neonates

Home remedies and comfort practices

Some parents find relief in everyday practices to reduce infant colic, may include

Help your baby

Bicycle" movements with the baby's legs to help expel gas.

Relaxation techniques

White noises or soft sounds that can soothe the baby.

Diminishing pain

Warm baths relax and can reduce abdominal tension.

It is important to note that before changing the baby's diet or trying new remedies, the paediatrician should be consulted.

Dummies and infant colic

The soother can be an ally in times of colic due to its soothing effect and ability to satisfy the baby's sucking reflex.

When should improvement be seen?

Most babies improve after three to four months of age. If treatments seem to have no effect or if symptoms persist or worsen, it is crucial to consult the paediatrician again.

Emotional support and strategies for parents

The The emotional impact of infant colic on the family can be significant.. Emotional support for parents is therefore a crucial part of managing this stage.

Understanding and validating emotions

It is normal for parents to feel frustrated, tired y concerned when your baby cries a lot. Validating these feelings is the first step in dealing with the situation:
  • Recognise that feeling overwhelmeddoes not mean that one is a bad parent.
  • Understand that the Crying is a form of communication for babies and not a criticism of parenting skills.

Education and training

Learning about infant colic can make parents feel more prepared and confident:

  • Attending workshops or read books and articles on parenting and colic.
  • Consult authorised resources such as the La Leche League website which provides information on breastfeeding and colicor the resource centre Family and Healthwhich provides articles on child health and parenting.

Coping strategies for parents

Parents can adopt various strategies to cope with the stress caused by colic:

  • Rotation of care between parents to ensure that both have time to rest.
  • Establishment of routines for the baby and parents that can help to anticipate and anticipate and handle difficult times.

Continuing education

Continuing education on the child development and positive parenting strategies is beneficial. Attending talks, webinars or discussion groups can provide valuable knowledge and reduce anxiety. For courses and trainings offering additional supportyou can visit portals such as Growing Up Happywhich offers guides and advice on childcare and family life, or Psychology and Mind, with articles and resources on family psychology.

Consult an infant colic professional now

The importance of holistic health

The overall health of the baby and the family is fundamental. It is recommended:

Caring for the food and rest of both the baby and the parents.

Prioritise the emotional well-being of the whole familyseeking support and advice where necessary.

Supporting resources

Being close to giving birth is accompanied by a number of signs and symptoms that indicate labour is near or has already begun. Recognising these signs can help you prepare for the moment you head to the hospital or birthing centre.
mother and bee connection

Search for resources

Using available resources can make a big difference:
  • Websites of organisations of children's health as UNICEF or the Maternal and Child Health FoundationThe information and support for the management of colic is provided.
  • Mobile applications and platforms online that offer advice and monitoring of the baby's development.
When infant colic disappears

Professional consultation

Do not hesitate to seek professional help if necessary:
  • If the cramps appear to be more severe than normal or if the parents are overwhelmedis crucial consult a paediatrician.
  • the osteopaths can offer specific and personalised assistance.
Infant colic is a challenging but manageable phase with the right strategies and support. It is important that parents take care of themselves as much as they take care of their babyand remember that there is always resources and people willing to help. With patience and the right knowledge, both parents and babies can get through this stage with well-being and growth.

Questions about infant colic

Colic in infants, characterised by prolonged, unexplained crying, can be stressful for both baby and parents.

Although the exact cause of colic is unclear, factors such as digestion, overstimulation and the baby's adjustment to the outside world are thought to play a role.

To relieve cramps, you can try the following:

  • Keep the baby moving: rocking or walking the baby can provide comfort.
  • Abdominal massages: Gentle massage of the baby's abdomen, in a clockwise direction, can help relieve tension and promote the expulsion of gas.
  • White noise: Constant sounds, such as a hairdryer or the noise of a hoover, can have a calming effect.
  • Positions to relieve gas: Placing your baby on his tummy on your knees and gently patting his back can help release gas.
  • Warm baths: A soothing bath can calm the baby and relieve the symptoms of colic.
  • Consult a paediatrician: if the crying is extreme or if you are concerned about your baby's health, it is important to seek the advice of a health professional.

Creating a calm environment and offering lots of physical contact and comfort can also be beneficial.

Remember that every baby is unique, and what works for one baby may not work for another.

The patience and rehearsal and error will help you find the best way to soothe your baby.

The infant colic are a common but challenging phase that many babies go through.

Generally, colic starts around 2 to 3 weeks age and usually improve significantly by the end of the third month, with most babies completely outgrowing this phase by around the age of three months. 4 to 6 months of age.

The reason why colic tend to decrease after this time is not fully understood, but may be related to development and maturation of the digestive system and the baby's gradual adaptation to the new environment and routines.

During this time, it is crucial that parents are supported and reassured that the crying episodes are not due to other medical conditions.

While waiting for the cramping to pass can be frustrating, it is important to remember that this is a time phase and does not indicate long-term health problems for the baby.

Maintain a regular routineproviding a calm environment and looking for ways to comfort the baby can help to manage this difficult stage.

Also, never hesitate to seek support from family, friends and health professionals if you feel you need extra help.

If you have found these answers useful and would like me to develop answers to the remaining questions, please let me know.

When an infant experiences colic, breastfeeding mothers often assess their baby's diet as a possible cause.

Although not all babies react in the same way to the food consumed by their mothers, there are certain foods that could contribute to colic or digestive discomfort in the baby:

  • Dairy products: Some babies are sensitive to cow's milk protein in their mother's diet. Eliminating milk, cheese, yoghurt and other dairy products may improve symptoms.
  • Caffeine: coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate contain caffeine that can pass into breast milk, possibly affecting the baby's sleep and digestion.
  • Spicy foods and strong condiments: foods with strong spices can irritate the baby's digestive system.
  • Legumes and some vegetables: beans, lentils, cauliflower, broccoli and onions can cause gas and discomfort for both mother and baby.
  • Foods containing gluten: in some cases, gluten can be an irritant to the baby's digestive system.
  • Certain citrus fruits: Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits can irritate the baby's stomach in some cases.

It is important to carry a food diary and selectively eliminate foods to determine if there is an improvement in the baby's colic.

This process should be carried out under the guidance of a professional from health to ensure that both mother and baby maintain adequate nutrition.

Colic in newborns can be provoked or exacerbated by a variety of factors, including the response to certain foods.

In the case of formula-fed infants, the formula itself can may be a cause if the baby is intolerant or allergic to any of its components.

For breastfed infants, certain foods in the breastfed diet are diet from the mother can pass into breast milk and affect the baby:

  • Cow's milk proteins: One of the most common causes of feeding-related colic is sensitivity to proteins in the cow's milk that the mother consumes.
  • Caffeine: caffeine can affect a baby's digestive system and disrupt their sleep pattern, which may contribute to periods of crying and discomfort.
  • Gas-producing foods: vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, as well as legumes, can cause gas in the baby if consumed in large quantities by the mother.
  • Spicy foods: spicy foods can pass through breast milk and cause irritation to the baby's digestive system.
  • Alcohol and chocolate: although in very small amounts, they can pass into breast milk and affect the baby.

It is essential for mothers to observe how their baby reacts to changes in their diet and consult a paediatrician or a lactation consultant before making significant changes in feeding. In cases of formula-fed infants, the paediatrician may recommend switching to formula. hypoallergenic o specialised if colic is suspected to be related to feeding.

Gas can make sleeping uncomfortable for a baby, resulting in restless nights for both baby and parents.

Here are some strategies to help relieve gas and promote more restful sleep:

  • Effective burping: making sure your baby burps properly after each feeding is essential. A good burp can release trapped gas that causes discomfort.
  • Abdominal massage: Gently massaging your baby's tummy in a clockwise direction can help move the gas. You can also try gentle "cycling" movements with your baby's legs.
  • Sleeping position: placing the baby to sleep on its back is the safest position. However, to relieve gas, you can hold your baby in an upright position for a while after feeding before putting him to bed.
  • Calming routine: Establishing a soothing routine before bedtime, such as a warm bath or gentle cooing, can help calm the baby and ease the transition to sleep.
  • Control feeding: if you are breastfeeding, consider your diet, as certain foods can cause gas in the baby. For formula-fed babies, make sure the bottle is minimising air intake.

The accumulation of gas can cause significant discomfort for babies.

To help alleviate this discomfort, you can try the following techniques:

  • Regular burping: Burping your baby during and after each feeding is crucial. You can try different burping positions, such as on your shoulder, sitting on your lap or lying face down on your legs.
  • Massages: Gentle abdominal massage can make it easier to pass gas. Use clockwise circular movements around the baby's navel.
  • Leg movements: Lying the baby on its back and moving its legs in a pedalling motion can help release trapped gas.
  • Positions to relieve gas: placing the baby face down on your lap and gently patting the baby's back can be effective. Be sure to hold the baby in a safe and supervised manner.
  • Review feeding technique: make sure the baby is latched on to the breast or bottle to reduce the amount of air swallowed.

When applying these techniques, it is important to be patient and gentle, as every baby is different and may react uniquely to different methods. If gas problems persist or cause great distress to your baby, it is advisable to consult a paediatrician for further guidance.

Infant feeding, whether by breast or bottle, can influence the amount of air a baby swallows and therefore the amount of gas he or she accumulates.

It is generally believed that bottle-fed babies may swallow more air during feeding, especially if the bottle is not used correctly, which may result in increased gas accumulation.

This is because milk can flow more quickly from a bottle than from the breast, and if the bottle is tilted too much, the baby may swallow air along with the milk.

To minimise air intake during bottle feeding, it is important to choosing a bottle designed to reduce the amount of air the baby swallows.

These baby bottles often have special ventilation systems. Also, make sure that the baby is in a semi-vertical position and that the bottle is tilted so that the teat and neck are always full of milk.

On the other hand, during breastfeeding, if the baby has a good latch and the mother is in a comfortable position that facilitates feeding, the baby is less likely to swallow air.

The breastfeeding allows for more natural control of milk flow, which can help reduce air intake.

However, both in the breastfeeding maternal As with bottle feeding, it is crucial to ensure that the baby burps properly after feeding to release any air that may have been swallowed.

The effective removal of gases is crucial for the comfort and there are several positions you can try to help your baby burp and release gas:

  • Over the shoulder: place the baby on your shoulder, making sure his or her abdomen is lightly pressed against your chest, and gently pat or rub the baby's back. This position is helpful because gravity helps the gas to rise.
  • Sitting on your lap: sit the baby on your lap, leaning him slightly forward, supporting his chest and head with one hand, while gently patting his back with the other. This position is also effective in helping to release gas.
  • Face down on the legs: Lay the baby face down on your legs, so that one leg is pressing lightly on the baby's abdomen, and gently pat the baby's back. Be sure to switch legs to apply even pressure on the baby's abdomen.

It is important to test different positions to determine which is most effective for your baby, as every baby is different. only and may respond better to different methods.

After each feeding, take time to help your baby release gas to prevent the discomfort it can cause. If you are having difficulty passing gas or if your baby seems very uncomfortable, don't hesitate to consult a paediatrician to obtain consultancy y orientation additional.

As with chest gas, the duration of gases in a baby in general can vary widely.

Some babies may experience gas episodes several times a day. normal digestion process and development.

In many cases, gas is relieved relatively quickly through belching or naturally through the digestive system.

However, if gases are trapped and not released effectively, they can cause discomfort for a longer period of time.

Implementing regular routines to help the baby burp during and after feedings, as well as using techniques such as abdominal massage and leg movements, can facilitate the expulsion of gas and reduce the duration of discomfort.

It is crucial to observe and respond to your baby's cues. If gas is frequent and seems to cause significant discomfort, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as inconsolable crying, difficulty feeding, or changes in bowel movements, it is important to seek the opinion of a paediatrician to rule out other conditions and get recommendations tailored to your baby's needs.

In summary, while the presence of gas is normal for babies, attention to feeding techniques and implementation of strategies to help release gas can minimise discomfort and contribute to the baby's overall wellbeing.

To know if your child has infant colic, watch for typical signs such as intense, inconsolable crying for several hours a day, especially in the afternoon and evening. Other indications are:

  • Tense body posture: During episodes, infants tend to draw their legs in towards the abdomen, arch their backs, and clench their fists.
  • Extreme restlessness: the baby seems to be extremely restless and often moves around a lot during these episodes.
  • Gases: excessive gas production or abdominal bloating.
  • Frequency and duration of crying: crying is regular, occurring at about the same time every day and usually lasting at least three hours a day, three days a week for at least three weeks.

If you observe these symptoms and find no apparent reason for the crying (such as hunger or a dirty nappy), and if the baby seems healthy and is growing well, it may indicate colic. It is important to consult your paediatrician to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other possible causes of crying.

Determining which foods can cause colic and gas in babies can depend on several factors, and the situation can vary especially between breastfed and formula-fed babies.

For breastfed babies, certain foods in the mother's diet may pass through the breast milk and cause gas or colic.

Foods that commonly cause this reaction include:

  • Dairy products: cow's milk proteins can be irritating to the baby's digestive system.
  • Cruciferous and other gassy vegetables: Foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, onions and garlic are known to cause gas.
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils and other pulses are high in fibre and can indirectly cause excessive gas in both adults and infants.
  • Caffeine: present in coffee, tea, and some soft drinks, can disturb a baby's sleep and increase irritability or cause gas.
  • Spicy foods and condiments: These can be transferred through breast milk and cause colic or gas.

For formula-fed babies, intolerance to certain components of formula may also be a factor.

It is essential to observe how your baby reacts after feedings and discuss any concerns with your paediatrician.

Changes in diet or type of formula may be necessary based on medical observation and advice.

In addition, keeping a food diary can help identify potential problem foods that affect your baby.

There are several reasons why a baby may become restless or desperate during breastfeeding:

  • Hunger or satiety: may not be getting enough milk or, on the contrary, may already be satisfied.
  • Milk flow: the flow may be too fast or too slow for him.
  • Position during breastfeeding: an awkward posture may make it difficult for him/her to feed properly.
  • Distractionsnoise or activities around can be distracting for the baby.
  • Discomfort or pain: problems such as gas, reflux or ear infections can make breastfeeding uncomfortable.

It is important to observe and adjust according to your baby's specific needs and consult your paediatrician if the behaviour persists.

Book a session

Appointments can be made by telephone or by WhatsApp.

Osteopathy for children

Consultation with Marina or Nicolas
60€ (up to 12 years old)