Traditional osteopathy in Barcelona

Back pain : the disease of the century

Back pain has become one of the most common complaints in modern society. Often this pain is associated with spinal problems and leads patients to seek medical consultation.

Back pain can have several reasons; the most superficial are posture problems, especially among people who work sitting at a computer, or more profound, such as accumulated stress.

No wonder in popular parlance we say "he carries the house on his back".

Everything that impacts us in our daily life is registered in our body. Thanks to restful sleep and other sporting or artistic activities, we release a large part of our stress. But it has been observed that this is not enough.

After a few months, or even years, the body manifests itself and sends signals in the form of spinal pain.

Thanks to  our gentle and holistic approachwe can to bring lasting relief to our patients and also explain to them the origin of their problem so that they can, if they so wish, take action to change their habits and create new ones that favour their health.

a woman who teleworks and has back pain

Reasons behind back pain

The origin of back paincan be multifactorial, including physical, emotional and environmental aspects.

Superficial problems: posture

Posture plays a crucial role in the health of our spine. Incorrect posture, especially when sitting for long hours, can cause muscle imbalances, strained ligaments and pressure on the intervertebral discs.

Tips to improve posture

  • Workspace adjustment: make sure your chair and desk are at a height that allows you to keep your feet on the floor and your elbows at a 90-degree angle.
  • Active breaks: get up and walk or stretch every 30 minutes to avoid stiffness and promote circulation.
  • Strengthening exercises: incorporates exercises to strengthen the back and abdominal core, which will help to maintain correct posture.

Profound problems: stress

Emotional and mental stress can strain back muscles, leading to pain and discomfort. Stress management is key to preventing and relieving back pain.

Techniques to manage stress and reduce back pain

  • Meditation and deep breathing: practice relaxation techniques to calm the mind and reduce muscle tension.
  • Recreational activities: find hobbies or activities that you enjoy and relax, such as painting, music or gardening.
  • Regular exercise: exercise releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers and improve your mood.

Appointments can be made by telephone or by WhatsApp.

The different types of back pain

Back pain is a complex and multifaceted condition that can affect people of all ages and lifestyles. Depending on its origin, pain can be classified into different types, each with its own specific characteristics and treatments.

Understanding the nature of pain is critical to effectively addressing its underlying cause and finding appropriate relief. Back pain can vary significantly in intensity, from mild discomfort to debilitating pain that affects quality of life.

In addition, the duration of pain can be temporary or chronic, persisting for months or even years. The causes of back pain are diverse, including factors such as stress, poor posture, injury, musculoskeletal disorders, and degenerative conditions.

The appropriate treatment will depend on the specific type of back pain, as well as its underlying cause. It is therefore essential to identify the type of pain in order to apply the most effective therapy.

Low back pain

The lower back painback pain, also known as low back pain, is one of the most common types of back pain. This pain can be acute, manifesting suddenly after a specific movement or injury, or chronic, developing gradually over time.

Low back pain

Low back pain can result from a variety of factors, including improper lifting of heavy objects, prolonged poor posture, or underlying conditions such as intervertebral disc degeneration or sciatica.

Treatment for low back pain usually involves a combination of physical therapy, specific exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, and, in some cases, pain-relieving medications.

Middle back pain

Pain in the mid-back region, which encompasses the area of the thoracic vertebrae, is less common than low back pain but can be equally debilitating.

Middle back pain

This type of pain may be associated with muscle tension due to poor posture, especially in people who spend long hours sitting or standing.

It can also be caused by spinal disorders such as scoliosis or degenerative disc disease. Treatment for middle back pain usually focuses on improving posture, stretching and strengthening exercises, and manual therapies such as massage or chiropractic.

Upper back pain

Upper back pain, which affects the region of the cervical and first thoracic vertebrae, is often related to tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders. This type of pain can be caused by factors such as long hours in front of a computer, stress, or carrying heavy loads.

Upper back pain

Upper back pain may also be related to conditions such as arthritis or cervical disc herniation. The therapeutic approach for this type of pain usually includes stretching and strengthening exercises, relaxation techniques to manage stress, and manual therapies.

Back pain at the level of the lungs

Back pain at the level of the lungs, felt in the upper thoracic region, can be particularly worrying as it is often mistaken for heart or lung problems.

Back pain at the level of the lungs

This type of pain can be the result of muscle tension, inflammation of the joints of the spine, or even conditions such as pleurisy or pneumonia. It is crucial to distinguish this pain from more serious medical conditions through proper medical evaluation.

Treatment may include deep breathing exercises, therapies to improve spinal mobility and relieve muscle tension, as well as management of any underlying lung-related conditions.

Back pain during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a common time to experience back pain, due to changes in the body and weight gain. Low back and pelvic pain is especially prevalent as pregnancy progresses and a woman's centre of gravity changes.

Back pain during pregnancy

Practising low-impact exercise, using appropriate pain management techniques and seeking advice from health professionals can help manage back pain during this significant period.
Osteopathy pregnancy

Liver and back pain

Pain associated with liver problems may manifest in the back, particularly in the right upper abdominal area and under the ribs, extending into the back and right shoulder.

Liver and back pain

This type of pain can be indicative of various liver conditions, such as hepatitis, hepatic steatosis (fatty liver), or the presence of gallstones that can inflame and affect the surrounding area.

To address liver and back pain, it is essential to identify and treat the underlying cause. If you experience persistent pain in the liver and back region, accompanied by other symptoms of liver problems, it is crucial to seek medical attention for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment.

The impact of everyday life on our health

Our body registers everything that affects us in everyday life, manifesting itself through physical signs such as back pain. Activities such as restful sleep, sport and the arts can help to relieve some of this stress, but they are often not enough. Over time, the body begins to show signs of discomfort through back pain.

Healthy habits to promote spinal health

  • Balanced dietEating a diet rich in natural anti-inflammatories, such as fruits, vegetables and omega-3s, can help reduce inflammation and pain.
  • HydrationDrinking enough water is essential to maintain the elasticity and health of tissues, including the intervertebral discs.
  • Adequate restMake sure you get enough sleep in a position that doesn't put extra stress on your back.
The osteopath touches the area of your back where it hurts

Our solution: a gentle and holistic approach

Lasting pain relief


Through a gentle and holistic approach, we seek not only to relieve our patients' pain, but also to educate them about the underlying causes of their problems. This enables them, if they wish, to take steps to change their habits and adopt new behaviours that will promote their long-term health.

Osteopathy is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the manipulation and movement of the muscles and skeleton to relieve pain and promote general health.

In the treatment In the treatment of back pain, osteopathy plays a crucial role due to its holistic and non-invasive approach. This section delves into how osteopathy can reduce back pain by addressing the underlying causes and promoting the patient's holistic wellbeing.

The role of osteopathy in reducing back pain

Osteopathy is based on the premise that a person's well-being depends on the harmony between their skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. Osteopaths use a variety of manual techniques to improve mobility, relieve muscle tension and optimise blood circulation, which in turn can reduce back pain.

Holistic patient assessment

Osteopathic treatment begins with a thorough assessment of the patient, focusing not only on pain and symptoms, but also on lifestyle, diet and exercise habits. This comprehensive assessment allows the osteopath to understand the possible root causes of the patient's back pain, which can often be related to factors such as stress, poor posture and previous injuries.
a man with back pain

Osteopathic techniques and their benefits for back pain

Once the patient has been assessed, the osteopath employs a range of manual techniques to treat the back pain. These may include:

Osteopathic technique Description Expected benefits
Osteopathic manipulation Controlled movements applied to joints to improve range of motion. Improves mobility, reduces pain.
Mobilisation techniques Gentle movements to mobilise joints and soft tissues. Restores joint function, relieves pain.
Muscle stretching Application of gentle forces to stretch tight muscles and improve circulation. Reduces muscle tension, improves circulation.
Deep tissue massage Massage focused on the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. Releases deep tensions, promotes relaxation.
Patient education Guidance on posture, ergonomics and exercises to maintain back health. Promotes healthy habits, prevents future injuries.

Focus on self-healing

A fundamental principle of osteopathy is the belief in the body's ability to heal itself. Osteopathic treatments are designed not only to relieve back pain in the short term but also to promote long-term self-healing mechanisms in the body. This may include improving posture, increasing body awareness and adopting healthier lifestyle habits.

Education and prevention

In addition to manual treatment, patient education is a crucial part of the osteopathic approach. Osteopaths provide guidance on how patients can maintain their spinal health through specific exercises, proper ergonomics and stress management techniques. This preventive approach helps patients avoid future recurrences of back pain.

Long-term benefits

The benefits of osteopathy in the treatment of back pain can be significant and long-lasting. By addressing the underlying causes of pain and working to improve overall body function, patients often experience an improvement not only in their back pain, but also in their general well-being. This can include increased mobility, improved quality of sleep and an increased ability to participate in daily activities without pain.

Integration with other therapies

Osteopathy can be effectively combined with other forms of treatment, such as physiotherapy, therapeutic exercise and acupuncture, to provide a more comprehensive and personalised treatment approach to back pain.

Osteopathy offers a comprehensive and personalised approach, emphasising the importance of self-healing, prevention and patient education. By focusing on the root causes of pain and promoting holistic health, osteopathy can be a valuable tool in managing back pain and improving patients' quality of life.

Frequently asked questions about osteopathy and back pain

Nicolas and Marina answer your questions about osteopathy and back pain.

The number of osteopathic sessions required varies according to the individual and the nature of their condition. In general, some patients may feel relief after only one or two sessions, while others may need longer treatment, especially if their condition is chronic. It is common to start with a few sessions spaced one to two weeks apart to assess how the body responds to treatment.
To relieve back pain, consider implementing lifestyle changes such as improving your posture, especially if you work long hours sitting down. Incorporate low-impact exercises, such as walking, swimming or yoga, which strengthen back muscles and improve flexibility. Also, be sure to take regular breaks to move and stretch if you spend a lot of time in one position.
An osteopathic session typically begins with an interview and physical examination to understand your medical history and the nature of your condition. The osteopath will then proceed with manual techniques, which may include joint manipulations, stretching and gentle massage, focusing on specific areas to relieve pain, improve mobility and promote self-healing.
A back injection involves injecting medication directly into the area of the back that is causing pain. These medications are usually a combination of a local anaesthetic and a corticosteroid, which helps to reduce inflammation and pain. This procedure is usually performed under imaging guidance to ensure accuracy and is considered when other treatments have not provided sufficient relief.
Eliminating back pain naturally involves taking a holistic approach that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet rich in natural anti-inflammatories, stress management techniques such as meditation and deep breathing, and maintaining good posture. Complementary therapies such as osteopathy, acupuncture and therapeutic massage can also be effective.
Back pain is considered serious and requires immediate medical attention if it is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, loss of bladder or bowel control, extreme weakness in the legs, severe pain that does not improve with rest, or pain that radiates down the legs, especially if it extends below the knee. These symptoms could indicate conditions such as infection, herniated disc or even more serious problems such as cancer or spinal cord disease.
Chronic back pain refers to persistent pain in the dorsal region or any part of the back that lasts for more than three months. This type of pain can vary in intensity and can be constant or intermittent. Often, chronic back pain is the result of combined factors, including postural problems, repetitive injuries, degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis, or musculoskeletal conditions.
Medical attention for back pain should be sought if it presents with one or more of the following symptoms: unexplained weight loss, fever, severe swelling or pain in the back that does not improve with rest, pain that radiates down the legs, especially if it reaches below the knee, weakness, numbness or tingling in the legs, or if the back pain is the result of severe trauma, such as a fall or motor vehicle accident.
The type of back pain is generally classified according to its location, duration and the nature of the pain. Pain can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term), and can be located in the upper, middle or lower back. Mechanical pain, which is the most common, is felt in the muscles and supporting structures, and may worsen with movement. Radicular pain, often described as a sharp or burning pain, radiates along a nerve from the spine into the extremities.
The causes of back pain are varied and include factors such as stress and muscle tension, herniated discs, arthritis, osteoporosis, abnormalities in the structure of the spine and more serious conditions such as infections or tumours. Risk factors such as being overweight, lack of exercise, incorrect posture and ageing can also contribute to the development of back pain.
To relieve back pain, it is recommended to stay active and avoid prolonged bed rest. Low-impact exercises such as walking and swimming can be beneficial. Physiotherapy, yoga and Pilates can help strengthen back muscles and improve posture. Pain management techniques such as hot or cold packs, massage and, in some cases, medically supervised non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also be used.
Stress-related back pain usually affects the upper and middle back, especially in the shoulder and neck region. Stress and anxiety can cause muscle tension, leading to pain and stiffness in these areas. In addition, stress can exacerbate chronic pain in other parts of the back by increasing the body's sensitivity to pain.